We Offer Fair and Affordable Prices

The first meeting with an adviser is usually free. During this meeting, you and the adviser can discuss your advice needs and the adviser can give you an idea of what they can do to help you.

The cost of the advice will depend on its scope. As a guide, expect to pay between $200 and $700 for simple advice and between $2000 and $4000 for more comprehensive advice. If you’ve agreed to ongoing advice, some of the cost may be paid over time.

If you receive advice about insurance, you may not have to pay for the SOA. This is because the adviser will be paid commissions from the insurance company.

Even if you decide not to proceed with the adviser’s recommendations, you will generally be expected to pay for the preparation of the SOA.


Check our pricing tables to know what options is right for you.

You can contact our Customer Service representative to calculate approximate price for your project depending on your area and amount of work that needs to be done.